FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 4.5 | Updated: 01/27/2025
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide


Welcome to the Phoenix 2 guide! This guide is for the Japanese style shoot-em-up game Phoenix 2, the successor to Phoenix HD (and Phoenix, the former being the HD remastered version).

There are some basics that will be in this guide, but I will not be going through them in detail. Instead, I'll be covering as many technical details, less known information you may not discover just by playing casually and detailed strategies for playing this game.

A very detailed Tier List, which will be updated where possible if there are either new ships added or if there are any balance changes, is also included for players who are here simply looking for the best ships to use.

It might be a good idea to read through this guide completely (if you have the time as it is a lot of information) as I will be going through a lot of generic strategies under Auras and Zens (in the Ships section), as well as under Invader Weaponry that may not be covered in the Tier List.

Here's a quick list of all ships that you can jump to, sorted by Aura/Zen, Main Weapon Affinity or alphabetically.

  • You can also refer to other lists that sort according to various main weapon attributes here.

This guide aims to be as comprehensive as possible, both in the survivability and speedrunning aspects.

  • It is organized in the best way I can, but you may need to jump around the guide sections to get the complete picture you require (E.g. You are looking how to use a specific ship in a specific mission type).
  • Many sections have links to other relevant sections so you may find these to be sufficient.
  • Otherwise, the brief description & the main sub-section headers at the start of each section tell you what it is about.
  • If you are looking for fun, you might wish to explore it on your own instead.
    • This guide's Tier List attempts to identify fun ships you can use, but fun is very subjective to an individual.
    • It is best you go try things on your own, using this Tier List as a very rough gauge.
    • You can decide whether a ship is fun for you based on gameplay videos included in the Tier List instead of what I have to say about its fun value.
  • The guide also attempts to identify unique ships that is likely to feel very different from other ships. However, again, this can be subjective.

If you just want to look for a specific piece of information within this massive guide, GameFAQs includes a search feature that shows you all instances where your search term appears in the guide.

  • Simply scroll down from any page in this guide to trigger a search bar at the top bar of your screen (works for both desktop and mobile).
  • Otherwise, you might find Appendix I to be useful in finding what you may require as well.

This guide is accurate as of Phoenix 2 Version 7.2.3.

Guide Status:
Active Maintenance (Patching in new videos and occasional small content updates)

The Copyright Information of this guide is clearly indicated in the last section of this guide. Please read it if you intend to replicate any content of this guide on your own resources, as you must adhere to this Copyright Information.

Please read the Glossary section before you proceed to read the rest of the guide, otherwise you will get lost.